Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cake and Pen

How silly of me to think that the facade you put on was real.
To think that you were a perfect gentleman
a rare breed
one of a kind
Who was I kidding?
I left my guard up with no intentions of feeling special
and I'm glad I did.
Because out of all the things you said
deeds you did
ways you made me feel for a split second
I never believed you.
And yet it still hurts.
The fact that you are just as egotistical, insensitive,
naive, immature, and just plain sad as the rest
is, well,
You come crawling to me when the chips are down
you'd like to have your cake and eat it too
Doesn't every man?
But this girl is not coated in sugar
No, this girl spends less time near an oven and more time with a pen in her hand
The pen never cheats, never lies
only does what you tell it to
doesn't have a wandering eye or heart
So you can take your cake and eat it all you want
and I'll keep my pen, thank you
and we'll part ways like you have forced us to.